107th Congress
Though I belong to neither national US party, I most clearly identify with and vote most often for Democrats. Since the rise of Trumpism, I have been most dismayed by the Republican party. I have an unexamined feeling that the Democratic party better serves my interests than does the Republican party, but I have not looked closely at the issue. So I propose to review the legislation promoted and passed by both parties over the past 22 years. Since the 107th Congress met from 3 Jan 2001 through 3 Jan 2003, the first two years of George W Bush's first term as president, I am starting there. By and large, the Republican party held the reins of power during the 107th: governing the presidency, the House, and mostly the Senate, though Jeffries' (VT) defection from the Republicans to Independent who caucused with Democrats gave the Democrats control of the Senate for a short time. However, the Republicans never had an overwhelming margin in either the House or the Senate. Still, mos...